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Living Life Without Limits

A Better Day to Day

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                        Better Day Today Assessment

Please circle the alphabet, answer true or false or write in your best answers.

  1. Waking up 30 minutes earlier each morning will help you get a good start.
    1. _________ True - Explain _____________________________________________________________
    1. _________ False - Explain _____________________________________________________________
  • Reading something positive at the start of each day will help your attitude
    • _________ True - Explain _____________________________________________________________
    • _________ False - Explain _____________________________________________________________
  • Not every one needs a good breakfast at the start of their morning
    • _________ True - Explain _____________________________________________________________
    • _________ False - Explain _____________________________________________________________
  • Starting with a positive attitude will guarantees a good day
    • _________ True - Explain _____________________________________________________________
    • _________ False - Explain _____________________________________________________________
  • Having positive people around you will improve your life
    • _________ True - Explain _____________________________________________________________
    • _________ False - Explain _____________________________________________________________
  • You don’t always need to be focused at work in order to be your best
    • _________ True - Explain _____________________________________________________________
    • _________ False - Explain _____________________________________________________________
  • If you look for the best in others you won’t find it
    • _________ True - Explain _____________________________________________________________
    • _________ False - Explain _____________________________________________________________
  • The way you treat others will determine how others treat you
    • _________ True - Explain _____________________________________________________________
    • _________ False - Explain _____________________________________________________________
  • In order to make it to the end of the day you must pace yourself
    • _________ True - Explain _____________________________________________________________
    • _________ False - Explain _____________________________________________________________
  1. Reading something positive, educational and inspirational before going to bed at night will not improve your days.
    1. _________ True - Explain _____________________________________________________________
    1. _________ False - Explain _____________________________________________________________

Answer Key

1. True

2. True

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. False

7. True

8. True

9. All


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